The Libero IDE flow for SmartFusion users provides the classical Libero IDE FPGA design tools for creating a SmartFusion hardware design. Based on Actel’s proprietary flash process, SmartFusion FPGAs are ideal for hardware and embedded designers who need a true system-on-chip (SoC) that gives more flexibility than traditional fixed-function microcontrollers and without the excessive cost of soft processor cores on traditional FPGAs.
SmartFusion intelligent mixed-signal FPGAs are the only devices that integrate an FPGA, ARM Cortex-M3, and programmable analog, offering full customization, IP protection, and ease-of-use. What's New in Libero IDE v9.0 SmartFusion Libero IDE v9.0 introduces support for SmartFusion, Actel’s newest generation flash technology FPGA. 323 Generate a Programming File for CoreMP7/Cortex-M1 Device Support.

122 Working with Processor-Based Designs in SmartDesign. 117 Working with Processor-Based Designs in SmartDesign. 107 Instantiating a Designer Block Component in Designer. 103Ĭreating a Designer Block Component in Designer. 102 Creating a Designer Block Component in Libero IDE. 98 Creating a Designer Block Component in Libero IDE. 90 Designing with Designer Block Components. Table of Contents What's New in Libero IDE v9.0. Confirm that you have the right to the file and click ‘Unlock PDF’.
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